May 30, 2008

Non Profit 2.0: How Web 2.0 can change the game for Non Profits

It's not until you read a book like the 8th Habit or like Muhammad Yunus' book on Social Business you realize that there can be a better, more sustainable way to conduct business.

What better opportunity for me to merge my on-going attempt to build eminence in Web 2.0 with my interests in non-profits and social business. Yep.. I have been invited to Boston to present Web 2.0 to Non Profit executives. I am tag teaming on this topic with a Professor from Bentley College - Mark Frydenberg. We plan to have plenty of discussion around this topic. I am planning to cover the trends and applications of Web 2.0 to Non Profit that can be found at the end of this posting.

Let me just clarify that I believe non profit organizations face a lot of technical challenges - in terms of technology aptitude and adoption. Web 2.0 is good news for them because the technology behind Web 2.0 is not as important as the underlying concepts and themes that can be seen on the internet today. Also I do not believe NPOs need to necessarily create a Web 2.0 platform on their web sites to build cohesive online communities, user generated fundraising pages, etc. They can leverage sites like,, etc. to overcome technology hosting and user adoption.

Hopefully the slides will provide some insight and get you excited about why and how Web 2.0 can make the difference.

Would love to know your thoughts. Also if you do come across any useful sites or information on how NPOs are using Web 2.0 / social computing concepts and technologies please let me know. Cheers!!

Enjoy the presentation below:


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